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уторак, 13. новембар 2012.
Kucina na steni brend Milije Mandic Gljive
House on the Drina River
19.1, Бајина Башта, Србија
недеља, 28. октобар 2012.
Kucina na steni brend Milije Mandic Gljive
Atrakcija Svet zadivljen građevinom
- Izvor: PressKucina na steni brend Milije Mandic Gljive
Zvezdana GligorijevićVlasnik čuvene kućice na steni
'Kucice na steni
19.1, Бајина Башта, Србија
четвртак, 25. октобар 2012.
Video: House on the Drina River
House on the Drina River
House on the Drina River in Serbia has captured both qualities, attracting curious travelers from across the globe, who want to see a house that seems to be floating on water.
Mysterious and tranquil, this tiny house stands on an exposed rock in the middle of the Drina River. It is situated near the town of Bajina Basta, Serbia. The town lies in the valley of the Drina River at the eastern edge of Tara National Park.
Mysterious and tranquil, this tiny house stands on an exposed rock in the middle of the Drina River. It is situated near the town of Bajina Basta, Serbia. The town lies in the valley of the Drina River at the eastern edge of Tara National Park.
House on the Drina River
House on the Drina River
The world is full of unusual places, sites that are both
intriguing and mysterious. House on the Drina River in Serbia has
captured both qualities, attracting curious travelers from across the
globe, who want to see a house that seems to be floating on water.
Mysterious and tranquil, this tiny house stands on an exposed rock in the middle of the Drina River. It is situated near the town of Bajina Basta, Serbia. The town lies in the valley of the Drina River at the eastern edge of Tara National Park.
Mysterious and tranquil, this tiny house stands on an exposed rock in the middle of the Drina River. It is situated near the town of Bajina Basta, Serbia. The town lies in the valley of the Drina River at the eastern edge of Tara National Park.
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House on the Drina River in Serbia has captured both qualities, attracting curious travelers from across the globe, who want to see a house that seems to be floating on water. |
Video: House on the Drina River
House on the Drina River
19.1, Бајина Башта, Србија
недеља, 21. октобар 2012.
Kucica na steni
Fotografija kućice na Drini našla se na sajtu "Nacionalne geografije" i donela Srbiji i Bajinoj Bašti veliku popularnost.
Jedna fotografija na sajtu Nacionalne geografije od avgusta
je Bajinoj Bašti i Srbiji obezbedila veliku popularnost, pogotovo u
Kini, pa je u Bajinu Baštu stigla i ekipa kineske televizije da uradi
reportažu o sada već čuvenoj kućici na Drini.
'Kucice na steni
Бајина Башта, Србија
среда, 14. март 2012.
Kucina na steni brend Milije Mandic Gljive
Priprema kucice za dolazak velike vode
Kucica na steni brend Bajine Baste
Godine 2011 posle velikih voda , Milija Mandic-Gljiva je uz pomoc iskrenih prijatelja i ljubitelja kucice, ponovo napravio i postavio kucicu na staro mesto.Bilo je puno ideja i mnogih resenja ali Milija je uocio da ta resenja nisu adekvatna za postavljanje kucice na sred Drine pa je pristupio konstrukciji koja moze odoleti velikom vodostaju .Naime postupio je tako da je dozvolio protok velike kolicine vode kroz kucicu i oko nje i time smanjio otpor vode na istu.VIDEO;
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